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Horse Care
& Safety

Santa Anita Park and The Stronach Group are committed to being at the forefront of horse and rider welfare as we take horse racing into the modern era and beyond.

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Medication Policy
Recent Procedural Reforms
Veterinary Oversight
CHRB Policies & Oversight
Riding Crop
Responsibility For The Horse
Thoroughbred Aftercare & Welfare
Cal Racing Cares
Southern California Equine Foundation
The Equine Ambulance
The Racetrack

Medication Policy

Santa Anita has the most rigorous
Medication Policies within the U.S.

The Stronach Group & Santa Anita Park proposed, and the California Racing Board (CHRB) approved, substantial regulatory changes to promote the welfare and safety of the horse.

Recent Medication Reforms Adopted & Enforced by CHRB and Santa Anita Park

• Strict limitations on the use of any pain or anti-inflammatory medication and treatment, including legal therapeutic NSAIDS, joint injections, shockwave therapy, and anabolic steroids.

• No therapeutic medications or treatments will be allowed without a qualified veterinary diagnosis from a state-licensed veterinarian.

• Horses race without race-day medication, with the exception of Lasix which is now a maximum of 50% of the previous levels (early 2019). Furthermore, two-year-old horses will race medication-free (including Lasix). All Graded Stakes races and the majority of the remaining stakes races are run without race day medication. The ultimate goal of 1/ST Racing is to prohibit all race-day medications consistent with international racing standards.

• Significant and strict out-of-competition testing.

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Our Partners

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